Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another thing...

....with this Artest thing going on....i was watching some news program on espn 2 yesterday that was talking about how Bill Russell and i guess other black NBA players 30 years ago, and how they were disrepected EVERYDAY with racist slurs and their homes being vandelized and etc. so i remember reading soemwhere either last week or the week before...i cant think when i read it on, probably someone else's blog or maybe on a message board i use (sorry for taking it and using it here), or heck, maybe on BP ...but are black folks now a days too sensitive? if Bill Russell could go threw ALOT worse than they did to Artest, and not loose his cool, then why are these NBA players demanding respect? i just dont know...like i can see why he would go and try to beat whoever's ass who threw the beer at him, but then again he know's he isnt supposed to go into the crowd...but dang, if someone threw something in my face, i would wanna beat their behind too! that's like someone spitting in ya damn face! the whole situation is terrible....but i dont know....if Bill Russell could do it, then why not him? but then again 30-40 years ago was a WHOLE different situation for black folks...heck if Bill Russell wouldve did something back to those white folks, he probably wouldve been hanging from a tree or something or still in jail right now...


At 6:51 PM, Blogger G. Cornelius said...

AMEN...I'll keep you posted


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