Friday, February 03, 2006

Pet Peeves

Someone brought up pet peeves as a topic on a Myspace message board, and i responded. This is the long post i wrote on there because a lot of things do get on my nerves, lol. So i figured heck, i might as well post it as a blog, so laugh if you want, hopefully no one will get offended, and enjoy :-)

Wow so many things...not in any particular order....

(i might contradict my self a few times, lol)

-people who think they know everything (though i've might've been guilty of it a few times)

-people who complain (i've been guilty of that too)

-people who won't take into consideration or listen to what you have to say when having a conversation with them (lol been guilty of that too, but hey i'm working on these things)

-people who talk so much about how people are hypocrites when they've been hypocritical themselves in their lifetime (we are human, no one is perfect, people change their ideas, thoughts and opinions)

-people who try to be funny when they're not-bad breath

-people who wear grills, gold teeth, or whatever else (that is not cute at all! i've got into arguments with people from the south on this)


-people who think that racism doesn't exist

-people who say black people have it better, but when a black person try to make it, it's hard for them to

-people who say black people make too many excuses (that's not all blacks)-black people that's not trying to do anything with them selves

-parent's who don't pay their kids any attention

-materialistic people! (why are you spending all your money on name brand stuff, then complain about not having any money when you could've gotten clothes at a cheaper price and had some money in ya pocket)

-peer pressure (don't try to make me do something i don't wanna do)

-people who are too scared to talk about racism (if we don't talk about it how are we going to fix it?)

-people who don't want to talk about racism in fear of offending people

-people that take offense TOO easily (not saying you can't take offense to something, but just as soon as someone said something do go all off getting mad at it, or if someone say something they automatically wants to call it racist instead of really thinking about it first and looking at the context of the situation)

-people from the South that think their better

-people from the North that think their better

-the way people from NY, and the east coast period talk (WTF it always sound like they got something in their mouth)

-NY slang (ugh i hate it, lol)

-Groups like the Ying Yang Twins, Cash Money, No Limit, Lil John, or any other crunk artist, or whatever you wanna call them

-Black people that act stereotypical

-Black people who are quick to say someone is acting white

-Black people who have no connection with their blackness (i said i might contradict my self, i think i'm about to)

-Black folks who don't know black history

-Black folks who don't care about education or about voting (ain't that what MLK and other black's took ass whoopings for? lol@the Boondocks)

-When i see a black man that seems SO into like black power, this and that, all about Africa, where locs, wear Marcus Gavery shirts, and what not, but is dating a non-black woman, Especially dating a white girl

-Black people who give black's who date outside of their race a hard time (you don't know what they've been through with their family already, especially if their family is racist, so you don't need to give them a hard time, they might really be in love)

-Gold diggers

-Black females who give white girls a hard time or talk about them out loud and give them dirty looks because they're with a black guy (you don't know their history or how they got together. don't be mad, just go on tot he next black guy)

-Black guy's who date white women for money or think that they're going to give them head (there are black girls that give head too, so stop stereotyping them white girls!)

-White women who date black men either because they think their rough and like a bad guy, think their penis are huge, think that they're good in bed, or for their money (if their famous, or about to be a doctor or whatever)

-People who think white girls don't chase black men who are well off or rich, and think that they're going with them because they're just in love (no child they're chasing them for a reason, because they got money, white girls are gold diggers too!)

-White guys that think black girls are easy and over sexed

-Black guys that think black girls are easy and over sexed

-Black men that think white girls are easy (they all aren't)

-Black men that go to white women or any other women because they think black women are too hard on them (they're gonna get a rude awakening)

-Black men who marry white women because they think it's better, but then the white women divorce them and take all of their money (lol@Lionel Richie, he left his black wife that stood by him in college and from the start to marry that white chick)

-So many black men celebrities and athletes that marry white women

-People who say people from Chicago sound country (well hell, due to the 1920's, 30's, 40's, and 50's, a lot of black folks left the South and came north, so yea we might got a lil country twain in our voice)

-People who know you're from Chicago and ask "Have you ever seen Michael Jordon?" or "Have you ever been to a Bulls game?" (heck back then tickets for the Bulls cost too damn much!)

-Really tall guys with short females! i hate that!

-Black people who think that black people who listen to Rock Music isn't black enough (man, black people started rock!)

-People who don't acknowledge what black people have done for this country, physically and whatever else. How we've shaped the culture, especially in Music.

-People who don't give black musicians in the pass credit for success of people like the Beatles, Elvis, heck even the more recent pass, like New Kids on the block copying their style from New Edition and the Jackson 5

-White people becoming super star's by doing a style of singing and music that was created by black folks: New Kids on the block, Back Street Boys, N'Sync, Elvis, the Beatles, Christina Aguilera, etc, etc, etc

-People who think Africa is primitive

-Blacks who don't accept that their ancestors came from Africa

-Black people who say "i'm mixed with white, polish, Korean, Chinese, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Japanese, Russian, German, Indian, Native American, and oh yea black" and always say and stress it and say it as if to make them selves look better, especially when they don't know a got damn thing about those cultures. (i mean wtf? we're all mixed up, if you wanna get technical, everyone came from African and began to spread out, so all of those folks are of African decent too. Also alot of times, those different countries, the people are actually the same type of people, they're just different cultures, so what you're mixed with different cultures? Get the hell outta here with that)

-Black people who say "i'm not black, my skin color is brown (man WTF? We know your skin ain't black, that's just a label to include all blacks of African decent together, if not, you'll have too many categories, which means more and more division! Black folks stick together!)

-Black folks who still say "good hair". Stop saying that ignorant ish!-Black people who act like nappy or kinky hair is bad and will talk about someone who doesn't have a relaxer or say something like "you need to clean up that kitchen on the back of ya head" or "damn you need a touch up". (are you ashamed of your self?)

-Black people who are color struck

-Black people who make remarks like "tar baby", "too black", "mellow yellow", "light bright and damn near white", "charcoal", or any other ignorant shit like that

-Black people who are so quick to say someone is acting white, but don't know a thing about the person before making that judgement (maybe the person grew up around white people? of course they might adapt to that culture and might not do the things other black folks might do. That is however from a black person who grew up around blacks and just don't embrace black culture at all)

-Black people who look down on other blacks as if their better

-Black people who "made it" and don't come back to try to help other's in their family or neighborhood

-Black people who call black's that "made it" sellouts or Uncle Tom's just because their trying to get out the ghetto

-People who act overly ghetto

-People who act like they know what it means to be ghetto

-White people saying their ghetto

-People who don't know the correct definition of ghetto: A ghetto is where a large group of people of the same culture live at (or something along those lines....Jew's live in ghettos, well use to)

-People who think that being ghetto means being loud, listening to rap music, or whatever else. (i know that might've contradicted the above)

-People who think all Christians are the same

-People who think all Churches are the same (just because you had a bad experience in a church, it doesn't mean every church and pastor and congregation is the same)

-People who are Christians but act like they're holier than though and sanctified and can't do no wrong

-People who think that church saves them

-People that think that Christians are supposed to be perfect (they don't do that mess with other religions)

-Christians who take bits and pieces out of the bible and don't follow the whole thing-People who have commercialized Christmas (it's supposed to be a holiday that's observes for the birth of Jesus!)

-Black Nationalist (not all but some, heck some people think i might be one at times)

-Black people who run and spend all their money on clothes and shoes that are owned by white or other non black business, and then complain about white people having all the money (well damn you gave it to them!)

-People who try to keep up with the Joneses.

-Rap and hip hop music today

-Radio stations and cable video networks who don't play conscious Hip Hop-RnB today (Wtf? it's not the same like it use to be)

-R. Kelly (he can't rep Chicago anymore)


-Stupid teenagers

-Stupid Adults

-People who send chain letter forward emails that say "If you don't send this you're going to die" or "if you don't send this to 734298497835893495 people your love life will be ruined" or "if you don't send this you don't love God or Jesus" (WTF?)

-Gay women who turn gay because they say men treated them wrong

-Gay women who look and act like men

-Gay men who look and act like women

-Gay people that look and act like what they are (men or women) but goes with a gay female that acts like a guy, or a gay men that acts like a girl (i mean WTF? I thought if you was a gay woman you don't like men, or if you're a gay men you don't like women! So why in the world are you going with someone that's a woman acting like a man or a man acting like a woman? that must mean you're attracted to the opposite sex! Ya'll need to get it together!)

-Gay choir directors or musicians at churches (that's wrong! ya'll need to sit them down! they be acting a mess!)

-Cartoons today (they're so stupid, they're not the same like they use to be)

-Chicago weather (dang it's either like extremely cold or extremely hot! and that wind! The "Hawk" ain't no joke!

-People who smell and don't wash their behind!

-Crooked cops

-People who smoke (that ish stank!)

-People who get drunk (that's not cute)

-Little kids who know how to dance but can't say their damned ABC's (WTF?)

-Parent's who go up to schools and cuss the teacher out when their child is the one acting bad (your child is not perfect)


-People who gossip

-People who sit up and talk down about people behind their back

-Women who go on the Maury Show and then run off and cry when they find out that the guy they tested isn't the father (WTF? You know how many people you slept with. Don't go off crying acting stupid, you brought that on ya self!)

-The way people act on Maury, Jerry Spring, or any talk show or reality show

-People who are whores!

-People who make treats over the internet (lol yea right? you ain't gonna do a dang on thing!)

-Gang bangers on the internet (WTF? aren't you supposed to be on the corner making money????)

I'm sorry, but i had to get that out, lol.


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFLMBO @ that last one LOL!!! Girl it's all good. Let it OUT! There's so many I could comment on, but that would lead to a blog in your comment section. I'll leave it as I totally agree with so many things on the list. It would take an essay to really get at how I want to elaborate on them all. LOL!

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! This is hillarious!

LoL @ R.Kelly. He is so messed up it's sad.

Gay choir directors or musicians at churches (that's wrong! ya'll need to sit them down! they be acting a mess!)

I thought I was the only one bothered by that! People sitting in church acting like they don't have a clue that the choir director is gay as richard simmons.

I remember I went to this christian concert and they had a gospel choir showcase before the acutal concert. A lot of them were good and people were enjoying it and standing and clapping. Well this one choir got up there and I swear everyone stayed in their seats! The lead singer/director was gay as I don't know what! I looked around at the people and some had these looks on their faces like, "what the heck?" It was crazy.

Anyway that was a lot of peeves.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger G. Cornelius said...

Getting alot off ya chest!!! I'll keep you posted


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