Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm a Stage Manager

YES! *EXCITED!!!!!!!!* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I was sitting in this lab, where i'm still at, at about 5pm and listened to my voice mail for my cell. I got a voice mail from my Stage Management teacher from last semester who is also the teacher for my Practicum class this semester. He asked for me to call him back. I was sort of nervous because is tarted to wonder if i did something wrong or what, or if he was going to ask me to do an assignment that i didnt want to do, or to switch with someone. So i called him back and he wasnt there, so the secretary left him a message. He called me back, but i missed it since my phone was on silent, and then i called him back like 5 minutes later at like 6pm (it's 7:41 right now). LOL, anyways, i called him back and he asked me what i was doing this upcoming weekend and next weekend. I told himt hat i have stuff to do at church and that i i was doing something on friday, Feb 11th (My church is throwing a Valentine Day dinner/dance, party, get together, whatever you want to call it, we're havign a sit down dinner, games, and it's semi-formal), but i had plans, but i asked him what for, and he told me that there is an opening for the Stage Manager (SM) position for the play "Home", by Samm-Art Williams, that is going to be performed on Friday, Feb 11th and Saturday, Feb. 12th.

I was like "Are you serious Bob (my teacher's name)? Do you really think that i can do this?" he asked me "Do you think you can do this?" I said "Yes i think i can but i'm a little scared and nervous". He asked me if the thigns going on at church was something i was involved in. I told him not really. We'll i am in the choir, but we sing every week and i rarely miss a rehearsal or a Sunday to sing. So he told me that the girl who was going to be the SM had to drop out of the position because she's been sick. So he was in need and looking for another SM. He said he talked to the director (who is my teacher from my directing class from last semester, see "Dumbest mistake i ever made...", and is currently my teacher now for my Topical Seminar class: Thea. 450 African and African-American Theater) and he asked him if he knew me. The director told him yes and that he thought that it would be ok for me to do the job. He told me that he asked the director if he knew that i was kind of timid, shy, and nervous alot, and he said that the director said "Yes i know, but we can work on it".

So i was thinking "Man i really want to go to this Valentine thing, i wanted to dress up cute for it too" (because i was looking for a black dress to wear for it over the weekend, but didnt find one, but i did find a suit for $32 at Famous Barr). So i told him "I'll do it!" i was so nervous and excited at the same time! So he told me that i would be ok, and that i'm helping out the production by stepping in and if i need anything or had any question just to callh im or come by his office. I couldnt believe it! I wanted to scream so bad when i got off the phone, but i just jumped up and down! He called me, my teacher who gave me a "C" in the SM class (i got an "A" in the lab portion of the class, the actual Assistant Stage Manager position), to do this job. He had enough confidence in me that i actually learned something in his class and that i could do the job. I know you guys are probably like "Why wouldnt he think that?" But i have a problem with being late, as i stated in the post below, i'm unorganized, i'm nervous alot, i lack confidence, and i'm always unsure of my self. I had him for other Practicum classes (we have to take 4 of them to graduate and i'm taking the 4th one now, which my job for that is being the light board operator for the last show) and i had him for my Drafting class for theater where we had to make blueprints of the scenery and light set up for the stage, that was about 3 years ago, and i got a "D" in that class. He told me though that since it's only 2 weeks left i dont really have that much more to do. The actors should pretty much already know there lines, but i do have to call the show because in theater the director doesnt callt he show, the SM does.

I was so happy that he called me, that i called my mama to tell her, almost screaming and talking really fast. She told me that she was happy for me (thanks mama). This has to be one of the best things that ever happened to me! I am SO excited! Though i'm nervous, i think that i can get through this. The only bad thing about being a stage mananger is that you have to be the first one there and the last one to leave. I think that they rehearse from about 6pm to 11pm. And i don't have a care, which isnt good. So for the next week and a half i will be busy as heck doing this, probably starting tomorrow, until February 12th.

Before i called my teacher back, i was looking on the theater department's website. I was looking through job opprotunities and websites they had listed to search for jobs. I was thinking to my self "Man i'll never get a SM job, or be a playwright, or a lightboard operator, or any type of theater job. I havent done much in the department since i've been here. I've wasted 5 years of my life in school just to get a degree i probably wont be able to use. What will i do after i graduate? I havent did many jobs in the department, so i dont have the experience like my peers. I havent even done a internship yet" See i was feeling pitiful for my self and thinking that i wouldnt be able to do anything and worrying about what i was going to do after graduation. Grad school is still up int he air and i didnt feel confident enough to even try to apply to any theater jobs because of my lack of experience. See how Satan was trying to make me feel? Putting all these doubts in my mind where as last semester i was feeling alot more confident with doing a SM job. I let Satan try to take away my job and doubt my self and feel like there wasnt any hope for me. But just then God stepped in and opened up this door for me. *holding back tears* I'm sensitive, lol. I wanted to cry, run, shout, jump up and down, scream, when my teacher told me that opening was available. But here Satan was trying to put doubts in my mind telling me "You cant do it, you're not organized enough, you're not prepared, you're always late. You will never be a good SM." The Devil is a LIE! But God stepped in and told me that i could do it, and i refused to let this opprotunity pass because towards the end of last semester this wasnt available to me because my teacher gave those SM positions to someone else.

I thank GOD for making me alot stronger than i was over a year or 2 ago, because if he wouldve came up to me then i wouldve probably said no and passed up a opprotunity to gain some experience. Thank you God, thank you JESUS! I want to scream SO bad in this computer lab, but i cant! LOL. This is my second post for the day, but i just had to post this after he told me. ya'll have a goodnight! :-) Wish me luck!


At 7:01 PM, Blogger G. Cornelius said...

I'll keep you posted


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