Some people maybe mad...
...but oh well this is my blog. I wouldnt call my self a homophobe because i'm not. Some of you may, but *shrugs* oh well. I don't think all gay females want me nor am I scared of them. I am a Christian and I do think that living a homosexual lifestyle is wrong. Walking around campus today just made me feel sad. I seen a few females today that seem to be gay. Like i seen this girl which i thought was a guy at first. She had her hair cut like a guy and dressed like one. She was heavy and had sideburns like she was trying to grow a goatee. She went up to this other girl and started talking. This was while I was in line at McDonalds in the student center. I also seen these girls in the book store together and one girl had a bad that had a rainbow on it, so I assumed she was gay or bisexual. How do I know this? Because it's on TV and the internet everywhere that the rainbow is a symbol for that, also I have a aunt that's gay. That's just sad to me. I thought that a rainso was a symbol of a promise as in God promising to never flood the earth again. If you like the colors of the rainbow you can't even wear them if you dont want someone to assume that you're gay.I dont understand, lets use my aunt, how some women can say "well men have done me wrong so i will be a lesbian no" but have 3 kids and then go cheat on your gay girlfriend with a man! I've never understood that! I guess all that licking wasnt doing it for her and she needed some penis in her life or something, I dont know. It really doesnt make any sense to me. But they will say "But a man dont know a woman's body like a woman do". Ef that, I know I still haven't had sex yet, and some people would be like "well how would you know since you havent had sex?" but I would not want any female on me, it just makes me feel nauseated thinking about that. The thought of two guys going at it just makes me sick. Two women and two men can't make a baby. So I really don't understand why folks would say "Well they're born like that". I don't believe that. I believe that it is a choice. Maybe I am homophobic, who knows. I may make some people angry or lose the few readers I have or have some angry anonymous post, but I just needed to let this out because it really bothered me today when I was on campus. Am I wrong for posting this? At least I'm trying to be honest and not sugar coat what I feel. I dont know. Every has to be PC these days. I don't even know why I'm writing this post. Wait yes I do, because I seen all this gayness in the student center today when I was at the boostore and McDonalds and I'm just sick of seeing it everywhere! On campus, on TV, in the theater department on my campus (lol), I can't get away from it! It all seems like a fad to me. It seems like it's "cool" to be gay now. Weird. I just dont understand and may never understand. I may seemed closed minded but oh well. Now I love my aunt to death, she's one of my favorite aunts, but I do not agree with her lifestyle.
Anyways I wasn't typing this post just because they're gay. What I hate is that when I see some female dressing or acting boyish. Now I guess alot of girls may go through the tom-boy stage or dressing in guy clothes like I did because they're self conscious about their body, but why act like a boy??? I dressed in guy clothes because I was self conscious and my boobs and behind was getting bigger and I didnt know how to handle guy's reactions to that, so I covered up. Not because I wanted to act like a guy, but I just didnt want to show off what my mama gave me. Now I'm cool :-) I grew out of it (and no I dont dress like a hoochie now). If they're going to be a lesbian, why do they have to act like a guy? I really hate that. You are a female! Be feminine! Get your hair done! At least ever once in a while! I'm not saying go to the shop every week! Do SOMETHING to it. Put some lipstick on ever once in a while. Get your nails done! Wear something that fits! Something that shows your shape! Wear some heels! Learn to walk in heels just as I'm learning to! Wear a dress and wear skirts! Show a little cleavage every blue moon (I mean dont have it hanging out all the time, and just show a little!). I'm not saying you have to be girly all the time, because I'm sure not, but people should be able to tell if you're a female instead of having to guess or ask you. Gay men please be masculine! I hate for gay men to act the stereotypical way of how gay men act. UGH I hate that! Stop moving your hands like a female! Get a lil bass in your voice! You dont have to sound like Barry White or Issac Hayes, but at least have a lil! Dont let the mama (the first one) from "Family Matter sound more masculine than you! Be manly and stop wearing pink! Ok I will stop here. I'm done. I just had to get that off my chest. You're probably thinking "What the f**k is she talking about? This B**ch is dumb as hell!". But oh well. I probably don't sound any better than someone who is racist. *Shrugs* I don't know. I probably sound real ignorant, but maybe ignorant I am. Plus I couldn't think of anything to write about. I just had to get this out. Time for me to go.
lolll@skool, you're so silly...
See...I do agree with the whole "gay" thing...but it is actually just a demonic spirit...I've heard of and seen people get saved from i don't know. I think it just all stems from lust and wanting to "feel good"...and if you think that you might like whatever it is that the other side is offering, you go after it. Now, I'm not saying it is ok...but that is what a lot of girls/women have told me...
wow. i was thinking about this today at school. we have a lot of lesbians. i rarely see homosexual males, but today i sat in class next to this girl who was real tomboyish. from behind you'd think she was a guy until you saw her face closely. she even had on men's cologne.
i'm not afraid of gay people either and i don't agree with homosexuality and i have male friends who are gay. people don't realize the bad effects of homosexuality. even my gay friends admit it. they are so depressed and hurting and not because they aren't "accepted."
even online i know of a lot of gay bloggers who in their journals aren't depressed about not being accepted. in fact i have yet to read any mention it as being the reason for their depression.
some admit they'd still be depressed even if they were accepted. it's because deep down they know something is wrong. men and men weren't meant to have sex nor women and women. for men it messes them up physically. it ruins their sphincter where they can't control their bowel movements. God didn't plan for it to be that way. he designed us a certain way. people need to do research before they go claiming it's ok for people to be gay. i hate seeing my gay friends suffering and that is one reason why i don't agree with it.
well that was long. lol.
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