Thursday, January 13, 2005

Death of Internet Friends

Several days ago i got a email from some that i use to Chat with on AOL. The subject of the email said that it was about another person i chatted with. When i opened the email i seen that the person that sent it to me forwarded it to about 15 other people we use to chat with in this RnB room on AOL. The email said that this person we use to chatwith, i'll call him TBear because id idnt know his real name, died the day before. The person that sent the email said that TBear's cousin told her. So i was wondering how did she know his cousin, but maybe she use to have his number or something or his cousin may have chatted with us. So the email said he dided and i was like wow. I didnt know whether to believe it or not because sometimes people joke too much on the net because i seen a situtation like that before. I got another email the next day from someone else sending the email to about 15 people again and she said she talked to TBear's father and she had the furneral information. He lived in Cali, but if any of us was close by and wanted to go we could.

This was sad to me, i use to talk to him in the chatroom and sometimes on AIM, but after a while we didnt talk to each other that much. Drama started to happen int he chat room and the new chatters and old chatters would argue so then folks stopped chatting. I was one of the older chatters, and he was one of the newer ones. I havent really talked to him in over a year, and about 5 months ago i IM'ed him when i seen him online. We talked about about 15-20 catching up on things. I think he was engaged to his girlfriend he use to always tell us about and he graduated from college. He was really into music and he was a DeeJay. He was younger than me, i think he was just 21 when he passed. He died sometime last week and his funeral was yesterday on January 12th, 2005. Rest in Peace TBEAR. I will be praying for his family and hope that they will be able to get through this hard time.

Now this subject brings me to a question i use to wonder about and ask other folks in different chatrooms i use to chat in, int he music ones on AOL and in the College Chat on Blackplanet. What happens to the folks on the net you talk to, or your internet friends when they stop coming on for a while? Do you just assume they dont have access to the net anymore? Do you assume that they've found a life? Do you assume that they've grown out of using the net? Did they find better things to do? Did you make them mad and they no longer want to chat with you? Should i even care if they stop coming online since i dont really know them and may never meet them anyways? I would always wonder this because i've been chatting on BP since my first year of college back in the fall of 2000. There has been alot of people who i use to chat with that no longer come online. Sometimes someone may come into the chatroom and stop by to say hi that havent been on in a couple of years. I know they look at me and a few other people and say "Dang ya'll still use this site?" But what can i say, the net can be addictive, and BP is the #1 crackhouse. Maybe i should really delete my account from that site, but i know i probably wont, besides i dont use BP as much as i use to sinc ei dont have the internet at my apartment anymore. But what happen to these people. What happens when someone you just talked to everyday online just up and stop coming online? Do you miss them? Do you send them emails asking what happened to them? What happens when they dont reply back? I dont know. Maybe at some point if it's someone you've been chatting with for a while, you may have their number and talk to them on the phone. I talk to a few people on the phone that i've been chatting with for a few years. And some of them i havent met yet. Even with that, what happens if they die or something? How would you know if they died or not if you never met them? They probably didnt tell their family about you and their family couldnt contact you to tell you what happened. I dont know it's weird. This whole post maybe weird.

If the girl that told all of us that TBear died didnt know Tbear's cousin, we wouldve never known that he died and wouldve figured that he just stopped chatting like so many other people who no longer come online. Should your internet friends contact you first by email or phone if they decide to never come online again? If me and one of my best internet buddies didnt talk on the phone, i wouldve thought he died or something because he doesnt use the net anymore. Since he's in Detroit and i'm from Chicago and is downstate in IL for school we still havent met. What if i didnt have his number and he just stopped talking to me? Should i have assumed that he died or something? I dont know. Maybe this is a dumb subject to write about but heck it's my blog! lol. But this is just something i've been wondering about. Comment if ya'll like.


At 3:21 AM, Blogger G. Cornelius said...

Thats a good question...RIP TBear...Hey I changed a few things around on the page...Come check it out and tell me what you think...Like or dislike...You know...Well I'll keep you posted


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