Stank Breath
ok, now i know i've wrote about this beforeOk so for two nights i had to stand next to this man right. I could not breath, because it hurt to breath! I felt like i had to throw up! The only other time i smelled someone's breath that stank that bad was when i was in lecture for one of my classes and this boy smelled like hot throw-up and garbage a few years ago. I thought that was gross, but this was worse. Man i felt like i was going to pass out while singing. After we left the choir stand, i had to sit next to him. I mean at first i was thinking it was possible the girl sitting next to me, but i was like "i hope no female breath smell like that", but it wasnt, it was him. EVEN when he wasnt saying anything, saying no "amens" or "preach preacher", i could still smell his breath. So after that, maybe the Sunday after or a week or so after on a Sunday, i ended up sitting next to him again. I was like "dang man! why???" I swear his breath was so nasty that i couldnt concentrate on the Word being preached. I was praying that church would be over quickly. After that i told my cousin, who use to be the minister of music but is now the choir's president, i told her "look either you have to talk to him or have the minister of music to either talk to him or adress personal hygiene while singing in the choir. I couldnt pay attention in church today because of his breath!" She just laughed and was like "i know".
So ever since then i refuse to sit on the first row when we sing, or i either make sure i'm at the end and not next to the Tenors. LOL. After that, i was sitting on the second row a couple of weeks ago and this girl in the choir was sitting next to him, i felt sorry for her and wished that i told her about his breath. She found out the hard way. Me and my cousin was sitting one the second row, and she asked me "why you not sitting down there?" and we just both cracked up laughing. I thought i was safe, but i wasnt. I still smelled something, but i was kinda like right behind this guy on the left. My cousin was sitting directly behind him, and there was one seat between me and her. I seen her face scrunch up, and she asked the girl sitting next to him 'is that his breath?" and she looked at her like "yea" (i think he left the choir stand to put his camera up or something). After church they were talking about it, and i was laughing. The girl was like "Toya i thought we was cool! Why you didnt put me in the loop? He breath is horrible!" i was like 'Sorry, but i didnt wanna be telling everyone and it get back that i said something about it" So she had to find out the hard way like i did.
I talked to my friend that use to be down here for school and use to sing in the choir but left last year to live in Chicago and i told him about this man's breath. He already knew because he use to sing in the Tenor section with him. He was like "******'s breath smells so bad that it makes you sick to your stomach. It makes you want to throw up!". We both laughed.
Now i dont understand why you would talkt o people if your breath isnt smelling so fresh. If your breath is tart, you can taste it! Anytime i feel that my breath isnt fresh, i refuse to talk to people, or sometimes i unconsciously put my hand over my mouth. Maybe i'm sometimes obsessed with my breath, and i guess i get that from my mama. Don't get me wrong, i dont have the best mouth, my teeth are terribly crooked at the bottom, but i do plan on getting braces by the end of the year, at least so they can be off before i get married (hopefully soon), but i refuse to talk to someone and be in their face if my breath is tart. I start to carry mouth wash around with me now. I still forgot to get that tongue scrapper, but i'ma get it the next time i go to Wal-Mart. My breath may get tart sometimes, ex. after i eat lunch, anything with onions or peppers on it, or when i wake up, or towards the end of the day. My cousin was like "Toya i've never smelled your breath, cuz you're obsessed with it' Yea i am, and like i said i get that from my mama. See my mama use to smoke, and she hated any cigarett smell on her breath. So she would brush her teeth for like 15 minutes, seriously, i'm not playing, and she'd drink 64 ounces or more of water. She brushes her teeth like 2-3 times a day, and floss all day (now i'd admit i need to floss but it hurts sometiems cuz my teeth are crooked). I dont know, i guess i'll end this here. But PLEASE iof you feel that your breath isnt fresh, PLEASE dont talkt o folks until you go brush your teeth again. Brush your tongue! NOT just your teeth! Brush the roof of your mouth too! As for this man at church, as my friend that's up in Chicago now said, "It's something more than his breath, it's probably some boo boo. Some people need to get cleaned out and they have boo boo all the way up piled in them to their chest" (he's trying to go to med school, well he said it somewhere along those lines, probably better than that though). Maybe he needs to get a colon cleanse. Maybe he's full of crap like NapKaboom had on her blog...who knows. Just PLEASE dont be like him and make someone else sick to the stomach.
You know you have some of the sexiest blogs around. Between stank breath and pap smears I get all hot and bothered everytime I come to your blog.
LMBO!! Oh man, that is just nasty. Next time his bday comes around, give him a whole basket full of toothpaste, tongue scrapers, mints, gum, name it...then maybe he'd get a hint!! Man, he can't be that old that he doesn't remember to brush his teefus.
LMBO!!!! I can't stop laughing though...You WERE stuck with him for quite a while, poor thing! :D
oh wow@gian...
i think he does have halitosis, or some missing teeth in the back or something@gabi
YES i was stuck with him! i was oh so sad!@fran
You at it again...I'll keep you posted
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