Thursday, December 07, 2006

Happy 25th birthday to me!

i posted this the other day on my myspace blog on December 4th, i'm too lazy too write a new one :-P

so yeah, today i'm 25 years old. time goes by so fast. my dad called today and asked how does it feel to be a quarter of a century old, lol. i guess he's trying to make me feel old.

i didn't do anything today but work. my step father went to get my apple cheesecake from Bakers Square for me and my mom cooked some greens and pork roast. i had to cook my own cornbread and macaroni.

it was cold as hell going to work this morning. i felt like i was about to get knocked out by the wind. that hawk is no joke! dang on Chicago weather! it snowed a lot friday morning. that sucked!

for the weekend i got to hand out with my friend and my boyfriend. i went to eat at TGIF and Olive Garden those two days. i'm broke than a mug, so i didn't get to do much for my birthday. even if i had the money, i probably wouldn't have had done much. since i don't drink or go to clubs, i haven't really figured out what i like to do. i guess i'm more into artsy stuff, but artsy stuff cost a lot of money. since this guy at my job told me about this raffle for tickets to "Wicked" for $25, maybe me and my guy can try to get tickets to go see it soon. i need to find something i like to do soon.

i know a girl from my church wrote something about the Negro League Cafe in Chicago, she said it was cool, i might have to go check that out. from what she said about it, it wasn't a club, or your typical club scene.

i need to find a new job soon! ASAP! this job ends January 1st, so i need to have another one lined up quickly so that i won't be broke! i had an interview for a job that was paying $12.50 an hour and that had full dental and health benefits....they decided to go with someone else! *sighs* oh well, God has got to have something better in store for me...

..i haven't found a church home since i've been back to Chicago, let alone been to a church. that sucks. i feel awful. not in a horrible way, but i don't want to go a path of getting use to not attending church. i've been in that slump before, and that's not a good feeling. i only have my self to blame. being lazy. even if my mom isn't going to church i need to get up to go. or to make sure i'm not just hanging instead of going to church or sleeping in. it would help if i had a car, but that's not an excuse. we use to take the train to church when i was little, so that mean i can take the train or bus to church while i'm grown. life is so much better when you have Jesus in your life, in my opinion.

so yeah, i'm just thankful to God that i've made it to see another year. time flies by, i can't believe i'm 25 already. i'm damn near 30. before you know it i'll be thirty. but it's nothing to fear or be sad about, that's something to be grateful about, and i am. thank you Jesus. but yeah, i'll end this hear since i talk a lot already. it's time for me to go to bed anyways so i can go to work in the morning.

happy birthday to me! :-)


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