Monday, November 01, 2004

2004 Election

this is what i posted on a message board i am a member of:

ok....i haven't watched tv in about 3 months, so i havent had a chance to see any of the presidential debate......but i've been trying to research some stuff on the net.....who do you all feel is the lesser of the 2 evils? also, do you think it's right for folks to vote straight republican or democrat? Folks do that without looking at issues.....people automatically think that Republicans are for the rich and Democrats are for the poor.....when if you think about it are demacrats really trying to help out poor people? or should you just vote democrat to pick the lesser of 2 evils? Bush is cutting jobs and school money, and has us in this war.....Kerry doesnt see anything wrong with gay marriages and says that people are born gay........i have found that i'm having a hard time to choose a person to vote for, since sunday.....Bush is a idiot, but i dont agree with gay marriages, but that doesnt mean that i should go with Bush just because he's against gay marriages, but then again, i am against gay marriage and i feel that homosexuality is a sin....wouldnt Bush's or Kerry's beliefs affect how they would run the country? but also keeping Bush in office for another four years and there's no telling where the heck this country would be...and i may not have money for school! what the heck has Bush done in his 4 years in office? also we may all vote for kerry and that mofo might cheat again and be in office for another 4 years....i guess i just really have to pray on this tonight....Maybe i should waste my vote on that libertarian dude, or Ralph Nader....what do ya'll think about this, if i'm making any sense....


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