Me and "Yellowman's" convo, and other stuff...
hey look at the new recover post button! i read about that on here:
It will recover your post if you happen to lose it, but read the article so it'll tell you how it works!
i was bored, and i dont have much to talk about. I got issues with someone stalking me by text message, so I’ve been dealing with that, but now they're calling me and hanging up. This has been going on since Feb. 14th, and i have no clue that it is. I had to apologize to "yellow man" cuz i have no proof that it's him, since i accuse him of being the one. It's kinda scary, but I’ll just have to pray and believe that God will protect me from whoever it is. I never really gave my number out, plus I’ve always been shy. If a guy had a my number, more than likely i took his number first then gave him mine. It's been 2 months since i got the first text message, and the cops are getting involved. Hopefully in a few weeks o so i can find out whom this is.
I haven’t talked to "James" recently. I guess he's busy. A guy i haven’t talked to in a while named Richard called me out the blue and surprised me by leaving me a voice mail last week. He said he was sorry for not calling me anymore, but he's been going through some things and his phone got disconnected. I kinda liked him at one point. He was the person i said i wish i didnt do what i shouldn’t have been doing in a previous post. I was attracted to his personality, but not to him. I mean he was cute, but his body, it wouldn’t have worked. He was a nice guy, but he was like 24 going on 65, so old. I might’ve been mean to him, but he lied to me before we met. I'll talk about him some other time though.
"Yellow man" has been sending me IM's on yahoo in the morning since he's at work at the radio station on campus. He keeps talking about how he misses me. I think it's funny. He seemed to not be paying me any attention last semester, or he wasn’t being clear to me, which was confusing me. I was even going to look past his teeth! Anyways, here's our conversation on Yahoo Tuesday morning this week *Note I ***** him out because i had to protect his Yahoo identity :-) *
The following is some silly, useless, rambling while Ii was getting ready for class and typing up a paper for my class:
*****99 (7:02:17 AM): Good morning baby how are you doing today?

ladylj81 (7:21:40 AM): aight and u?
*****99 (7:25:15 AM): i am doing good honey!
ladylj81 (7:25:20 AM): ok
*****99 (7:25:32 AM): did you have a nice rest?
ladylj81 (7:25:43 AM): i want to go back to sleep
ladylj81 (7:25:46 AM): not really
ladylj81 (7:25:51 AM): the futon isn’t comfy
ladylj81 (7:26:10 AM): and i only got 6 hours
*****99 (7:26:30 AM): go ahead, go back to sleep, fold up your blankets and the sleep on top of them!
*****99 (7:26:35 AM): baby
ladylj81 (7:26:42 AM): dont call me baby...
ladylj81 (7:26:48 AM): and no i got class at 9:15
ladylj81 (7:26:52 AM): so i gotta get up
*****99 (7:26:55 AM): why not
*****99 (7:27:06 AM): i can get used to it!
ladylj81 (7:27:07 AM): cuz i got class
ladylj81 (7:27:16 AM): you can get use to what?
*****99 (7:27:41 AM): calling you baby !

ladylj81 (7:27:50 AM): lol
ladylj81 (7:28:02 AM):

*****99 (7:28:45 AM): whats up with that honey
ladylj81 (7:29:03 AM): dont call me little pet names because i'm not your girl.
*****99 (7:30:42 AM):

ladylj81 (7:31:05 AM): why the

*****99 (7:36:08 AM): thats sad, your not my girl
ladylj81 (7:38:21 AM): why is that sad?
ladylj81 (7:40:53 AM): look dude be quick about answering cuz i gotta get ready for class
*****99 (7:41:20 AM): cuz i know that you will be a good girl for someone like me!
*****99 (7:41:33 AM): i am at work i can't help it
ladylj81 (7:42:30 AM): ok
ladylj81 (7:42:53 AM): why would i be a good girl for someone like you? and what is "someone like you"?
ladylj81 (7:43:11 AM): you lucky i didnt press that BUZZ if you got speakers, cuz i sure was gonna do that
*****99 (7:43:42 AM): you are a princess!
ladylj81 (7:43:53 AM): and why am i a princess?
*****99 (7:45:29 AM): you beautiful, smart, sexy, strong, talented, God fearing, and innocent
ladylj81 (7:51:06 AM): lol thank you
*****99 (7:51:15 AM):

ladylj81 (7:51:16 AM): i dont think that i'm sexy tho
ladylj81 (7:51:20 AM): smh
*****99 (7:51:28 AM): i think so!
ladylj81 (7:51:52 AM): in that case i probably would’ve had guys knocking down my door my 5 years here, but i haven’t
*****99 (7:52:40 AM): its all in the way you present yourself.
ladylj81 (7:53:11 AM): lol and i dont think that i do
ladylj81 (7:53:18 AM): present my self to be that
*****99 (7:54:19 AM): you don't present your self as sexy, but classy and the way a woman should be!
*****99 (7:54:38 AM): the sexy in it is discreat
*****99 (7:54:46 AM): i spelled that wrong
ladylj81 (7:55:18 AM): discreet
ladylj81 (7:55:20 AM): i think
ladylj81 (7:55:25 AM): i cant spell my self
*****99 (7:57:30 AM): close enough
ladylj81 (7:57:56 AM): ok
*****99 (7:59:36 AM): when i talk to you sometimes my speech changes cause your personality demands respect.
*****99 (8:00:36 AM): i can't talk to you about sex and stuff like that but, i know what ever i talk about i have to be straight up about it.
ladylj81 (8:00:44 AM): yes
ladylj81 (8:00:48 AM): no sex talk
ladylj81 (8:00:56 AM): I’ve never allowed that
ladylj81 (8:01:06 AM): like guys in H.S playing and talking crazy to other girls
ladylj81 (8:01:14 AM): they knew better than to play like that with me
*****99 (8:01:27 AM): they talk the same way in college
ladylj81 (8:01:27 AM): even tho i was quiet and kept to my self, i might’ve cut them or something
ladylj81 (8:01:37 AM): i know guys talk the same way in college
ladylj81 (8:02:02 AM): it's just that in college i haven’t had many males friends that I’d talk to, heck i haven’t had many female friends either, friends period
*****99 (8:02:49 AM): i know personally that your a virgin and i respect that, and don't want to challenge that unless you want me to or i give you a ring?
ladylj81 (8:03:15 AM): why is that a question?
*****99 (8:03:33 AM): its not
ladylj81 (8:03:35 AM): i dont EVER want you to challenge that
ladylj81 (8:03:36 AM): ok
ladylj81 (8:03:45 AM): well it's a question mark at the end of it
*****99 (8:03:46 AM): i wont
ladylj81 (8:03:57 AM): ok
*****99 (8:10:34 AM): sorry bout that, had work
*****99 (8:10:38 AM): to work
*****99 (8:11:42 AM): i will never ask you for you virginity i will only take if you give too me, or if we was to ever get married the way its suppost to be.
*****99 (8:13:02 AM): many female at like sex is precious to them however it seems like they will give it up for anyone that will make them feel al little good.
ladylj81 (8:19:39 AM): Ef that
ladylj81 (8:19:43 AM): you made me miss my bus
ladylj81 (8:19:51 AM): lemme see if i can get ready to catch it
*****99 (8:22:02 AM): et what
*****99 (8:22:23 AM): you better stop cussin
ladylj81 (8:22:35 AM): i didnt cuss i said Ef
*****99 (8:23:05 AM): i thought you had a problem with what i was sayin
ladylj81 (8:23:40 AM): i meant Ef giving some negro something just because he making you feel good
*****99 (8:24:08 AM): well i get off at 8:40
ladylj81 (8:24:58 AM): ok
ladylj81 (8:24:59 AM): ?
ladylj81 (8:25:07 AM): why you telling me that?
*****99 (8:26:00 AM): i will give you a ride!
ladylj81 (8:26:07 AM): i got a ride
ladylj81 (8:26:15 AM): i just called the girl i get a ride to class with
ladylj81 (8:26:30 AM): i was trying to get to campus to type and print something
ladylj81 (8:26:37 AM): I’ll just type it here and print when i get there
*****99 (8:27:33 AM): ok don't say i ain't here for you!
ladylj81 (8:27:46 AM): why do you continue to say that?
ladylj81 (8:27:54 AM): "dont say i'm not here for you"?
ladylj81 (8:27:59 AM): are you joking or something?
ladylj81 (8:28:14 AM): what do you mean and what is your point of always saying that
*****99 (8:28:19 AM): cause i don't think you are aware of that!
ladylj81 (8:28:32 AM): you never answer your phone...
ladylj81 (8:29:04 AM): i might not be calling for anything, just to talk, and those are the times you never pick up
*****99 (8:29:11 AM): i do
ladylj81 (8:30:07 AM):

*****99 (8:30:27 AM): well lets leave that along
ladylj81 (8:30:36 AM): um yea....
ladylj81 (8:30:40 AM):

*****99 (8:31:08 AM): so are we gonna hang out to watch the playoffs
ladylj81 (8:31:38 AM): i dont know
ladylj81 (8:31:43 AM): when do they start?
ladylj81 (8:31:54 AM): they start sometime next week dont they
ladylj81 (8:32:00 AM): around the middle or end of April
ladylj81 (8:32:10 AM): Bulls in the playoffs?! yeaaaaaaaaaaaa!
*****99 (8:32:17 AM): yeah next week
*****99 (8:32:20 AM): i know
ladylj81 (8:32:39 AM): I’ve stayed with them since MJ left
ladylj81 (8:32:42 AM): since the 99 lock out
ladylj81 (8:32:48 AM): i haven’t had a chance to watch any games
ladylj81 (8:32:57 AM): but i said they'll make it back and start winning again
ladylj81 (8:33:01 AM): and folks laughed at me
ladylj81 (8:33:05 AM): I’d put that on my BP page
ladylj81 (8:33:12 AM): and people would send me notes laughing at me
*****99 (8:33:17 AM): i know,
*****99 (8:33:38 AM): as long as were together thats all that counts
*****99 (8:33:46 AM):

ladylj81 (8:33:53 AM):
ladylj81 (8:34:58 AM):

ladylj81 (8:35:12 AM): i told you that i DONT like you anymore right?
*****99 (8:36:23 AM): you ain't never told me that
*****99 (8:37:09 AM): you just said that you didn't want to be with me now cause you wit someone else and i missed my opertunity
*****99 (8:37:20 AM):

ladylj81 (8:38:41 AM): lol...
ladylj81 (8:38:49 AM): i'm not with someone else
ladylj81 (8:39:03 AM): but i am kinda talking to someone else
ladylj81 (8:39:22 AM): as of now we're just friends, cuz he dont know what he want, if he dont get it together he'll miss out
ladylj81 (8:39:26 AM): but i still dont like you anymore
*****99 (8:40:18 AM): why is that you don't like me, anymore?
ladylj81 (8:40:51 AM): because after last semester you got on my nerves, just little things
ladylj81 (8:41:01 AM): to top that off i was thinking you was my text message stalker
ladylj81 (8:41:12 AM): which i already apologized for, i dont think that anymore
ladylj81 (8:41:18 AM): but not just that
ladylj81 (8:41:35 AM): you was living with your girlfriend that you didnt mention at all last semester
ladylj81 (8:41:40 AM): that's what messed you up
ladylj81 (8:41:46 AM): *shrugs*
*****99 (8:41:56 AM): i didn't live with her last semester remember
ladylj81 (8:42:15 AM): well the beginning of this semester
*****99 (8:42:21 AM): i just stayed with her for a few weeks this year
ladylj81 (8:42:29 AM): whatever you didnt tell me about her
ladylj81 (8:42:37 AM): she was you girlfriend tho
*****99 (8:42:45 AM): i know
ladylj81 (8:42:47 AM): you never mentioned girlfriend anywhere
*****99 (8:43:02 AM): we wasn’t together last semester
ladylj81 (8:43:21 AM): you said ya'll been dating for a year....
*****99 (8:43:43 AM): but we stop talking for a long time.
ladylj81 (8:43:57 AM): but she was your girlfriend when you needed a place to stay
ladylj81 (8:44:14 AM): you act like you dont want to talk or stop anytime i see you with a girl or a girl in your car
*****99 (8:44:15 AM): something like that
*****99 (8:45:07 AM): get out of here thats not whats up. you can be #1
ladylj81 (8:46:28 AM): who says i want to be your #1
ladylj81 (8:46:30 AM): ?
ladylj81 (8:46:37 AM): i tried to figure you out
ladylj81 (8:46:47 AM): you never said "hey toya, lets go here"
ladylj81 (8:46:58 AM): even when i knew you couldn’t leave your room cuz of your RA job
ladylj81 (8:47:10 AM): i was willing to come over there to hang with you, besides those 2 times i did
ladylj81 (8:47:21 AM): but anytime you either didnt answer your phone or was busy with something
ladylj81 (8:47:45 AM): you never said "hey lets go here, get something to eat, or bowling or something or just sit and talk"
*****99 (8:47:56 AM): i was a very busy person then. i am off work are you sure you don't need a ride.
ladylj81 (8:48:03 AM): hey i'm broke to so i dont have to always "go out" i can just sit and talk
ladylj81 (8:48:24 AM): then you ask me "what you eat, oh well i'm about to go to the dinning hall" ok wth?@that, why ask me
ladylj81 (8:48:32 AM): i got a ride with someone from class
*****99 (8:48:38 AM): LOL

*****99 (8:49:00 AM): well got to go.
*****99 (8:49:07 AM): call me later
*****99 (8:49:20 AM): i gonna miss you baby

*****99 (8:49:26 AM): LOL
ladylj81 (8:50:00 AM): dont call me baby
ladylj81 (8:50:14 AM):

*****99 (8:50:36 AM): i forgot you already got someone to call you that!
ladylj81 (8:50:51 AM): no, i told you he's just a friend
ladylj81 (8:50:55 AM): and he doesn’t call me baby
*****99 (8:50:56 AM): where you get that mean face from?
ladylj81 (8:51:02 AM): none of ya bizniz
ladylj81 (8:51:12 AM): you find the faces for your self sucka
*****99 (8:51:22 AM):

*****99 (8:51:26 AM): now what
ladylj81 (8:51:53 AM):

*****99 (8:52:06 AM): whats that?
*****99 (8:52:40 AM): can't wait to see you honey!
ladylj81 (8:53:13 AM): whatever dude
ladylj81 (8:53:21 AM): stop calling me honey and baby!
*****99 (8:53:24 AM): c u later boo!
ladylj81 (8:53:31 AM): lol dont use boo either
ladylj81 (8:53:33 AM): you punk
*****99 (8:54:06 AM): suga
*****99 (8:54:20 AM): sweety pie
ladylj81 (8:54:22 AM): dont make me slap you
*****99 (8:54:31 AM): honey bunch
*****99 (8:54:37 AM): homie
*****99 (8:55:04 AM): my love
ladylj81 (8:55:14 AM): i am NOT your love
*****99 (8:55:25 AM): baby cakes
ladylj81 (8:55:26 AM): i told you I DONT LIKE YOU
ladylj81 (8:55:47 AM): maybe last semester you could’ve had me, but you was too "busy"
ladylj81 (8:56:15 AM): i dont have time to be waiting on negroes
*****99 (8:56:30 AM): i know my love, but who know what is in line for us!
ladylj81 (8:56:55 AM): i dont know what the heck you're talking about
ladylj81 (8:57:04 AM): Cuz God aint told me nothing of the sort
ladylj81 (8:57:13 AM): he didnt say nothing about me and you and whats in line for us
*****99 (8:57:46 AM): he hasn’t had the chance to speak to us yet
ladylj81 (8:58:22 AM):

ladylj81 (8:58:25 AM): i gotta go mike bye
*****99 (8:58:28 AM): can i have hug later
*****99 (8:59:02 AM): when i see you
ladylj81 (8:59:20 AM):

*****99 (8:59:32 AM): your mean
*****99 (8:59:42 AM):

*****99 (9:00:01 AM): i gots to go
ladylj81 (4:24:25 PM): i am NOT mean!

This is the stuff I miss! I'll keep you posted
Damn, homeboy gotta learn to take "no" for an answer!
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