well ok, my directing scene is over. i think i did a good job, but i dont know. people in my class saidi did good, but when it was going on, my teacher didnt make any type of facial expression saying he liked it or not, he actually didnt make any type of expression for anything. I didnt go to class the next day, so i didnt find out what he thought of it......i had to cut ol dude go, well trying to, at least for a month or so, i want to remain friends, but i need a break....we hung out again not this Sat., but last Sat....he didnt give me his new number until today, i was mad. i told him iw anted my Cd's and VCR back, the Cd's i popped up at his apartment my self to get when i was on my way to a meeting...the VCR i'm waiting on himt o bring back. Then i can give him his T-shirt and be threw....
....i didnt go to class the next day because my cousin had her baby. it was a girl. The baby was breach, so they had to do a c-section on her to get it out. we prayed that the baby would turn around so that she could have it vaginally since this is her first child and she wanted to experience it, but i guess God had other plans, and besides, she probably wouldnt have been able to push it out and might wouldve had to do a c-section anyways. so they scheduled the c-section because she was over due, so they were either going to induce labor, hoping that the baby would turn around or the c-section, so the c-section it was. so i have a new lil third cousin. my cousin said she didnt have anything to do witht hat birth because that baby looks JUST like her husband. OMG it's so freaking weird....because you know babies dont usually look like no body when they come out, but this lil girl looks just like her daddy!....
...i just found out this morning that August Wilson died yesterday on Sunday. He lost his battle with cancer and was 60 years old. i know alot of people don't know who he is, because i mentioned him to a few and theyd idnt. i think alot of black folks should at least readon one or 2 of his plays. He one of the best playwrights ever, and not just the best black playwright, but best. people love his work. he planned on doing a play dealing with every decade between 1900-2000 of black life. i know alot of people may have read of her of his play called "Fences". James Earl Jones and Courtney B. Vance was in it's original production back in the early-mid 80's i think it was 1983 or 1984. Anyways, RIP August Wilson. Some of his other works is "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom", "Joe Turners Come and Gone", and "Seven Guitars". They're doing his play "Fences" next spring in our theater department. I know now it's going to be a big thing since he died. it's sad. If ya'll never read any of his work, do so. i think it's important for black folks to know about black art...not just music, but you know writers, poets, playwrights, and artist. I took a African American Art History class this summer and learned about alot of black artist. Some painting iv'e seen in books and seen at places were done by black artisit and i didnt even know. i didnt even know there were that many black painters and sculpters.
anyways, i gotta do this online thingy for my independent study class, so i'll post later....but the way sorry for the long a** blog post before this one, but i had to get alot out before i forgot what iw anted to say. peace out.
How could I not know that August Wilson died?!
Congrats on the directing and yeah, I'm glad you got the cds back. Nothing worse than a missing music collection.
Headed to the Chi this weekend...Whats up?
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