...i so dont know what to talk about, so i'm going to just ramble on as always....the deer attacks have stopped on our campus so far.......it's crazy, just like on Animal Attacks, or that Ice Cube movie...the mama deer was being over protective of her baby deer and she thought that someone was going to get them and she's attacked 7 people in 2 weeks...crazy....
I didnt go home last weekend like i wanted to to go see Lauryn Hill at the Taste...but she canceled anyways and they Replaced her with LL Cool J...which wouldve been nice to see, but he's starting to look funny now...he needs to gain some weight back or something...he's too skinny! i like him more on the chuncky side...when he was built like a football player....
man it's been hot than a mug down here....so dang on hot...my face turned about 3-5 shades darker! now only if my legs can turn darker...i swear my legs and feet are light skinned...they're like 10 shades lighter it seems..ugh! i hate that! i want them to be a darker brown like the rest of my body...wellt hats cuz i dont wear shorts or sandels....go figure.....
...the women's ministry at my church had a pamper day on saturday....it was cool...they had it at the Rec center on our campus...they had people doing pedicures, manicures, facials, massages, food, 2 seminar classes on healthy relationships and emotional eating...and raffle prizes...all of which people at the church and some companies donated their time to do for free and donated food...it was very good...especially for those mothers, especially the single ones, who can't afford to go to a spa to get pampered...they did a very good job, the 2 girls that got it together, and like my pastor said, our women's ministry went to another level and can't go back....
in other news, i'm still taking that Walking and Jogging class and the Strength Training class....i think my calf muscles are tightening up.....the guy that was supposed to train me text me the other day talking about sorry but he was out of town...but damn he couldve called...i called and texted him over a month ago...so maybe after my classes are done i might train with him to still keep this up.....i walk about 3-4 miles everyday now...which might not be much to some, but it is to me...i was already walking about 1.5-2 miles to class, but we have to walk an additional 2 miles around the lake...so the first 30 minutes walking to campus doesnt bother me, it's the walking around the lake that does...i will be in shape by the end of the summer...now i have to work on my eating habits...especially since i've been hungrier than usual lately, i guess because i've been working out more...but i've been eating more candy, chocolate candy bar's and ice cream to be exact...bad Toya, Bad! If you didnt already know, i have a bad chocolate probably...a bad ice cream problem too...i might even stop by Dairy Queen today on my way tot his play rehearsal....
...ahh, play rehearsal...well it's a musical called "Honk!" thats being put on at this community theater in town.....well they dont have a theater anymore since they kicked them out,s o it's going to be put on at the highs chool until they find a new place to callh ome in the fall....it's more of an adult play, but they have kids in it! i call it an adult play because there's a few jokes that the lil kids wont get....the youngest is 7 years old and the oldest is 19 years old...there's about 15-20 kids int his play...i'm pretty much the only black face there (besides this half black, half white boy thats 17) which is fine, because i'm use to it now...but wheni first came to school down here...man....but this play is pretty much the story of "The Ugly Duckling"...it's pretty good...has a lesson, especially for kids...you know, it's ok to be Different and Unique and that you should love your self...and love being you!
But man, i dont know if this play is going to come together! i have to pray on it! there's too many directors, and i feel like i'm just baby sitting...no one is giving me anything to do, and when i do ask to type something up or print something up, they say that they can do it....one of the actors who is also the choreographer is taking over directing and they're not sitting him down! he's not organized and they've wasted TOO MUCH TIME going over scenes...as a director, you're supposed to come prepared (i know this but i didnt pass the class, thats why i gotta take over in the fall to graduate).....and they're not sitting him down! ARRRGGGGH!!! it's so frustrating...i mean they told me that they dont know what they're doing and that i probably know more than them...i was kinda like i probabl dont, but now looking at things i see tha i do! this is community theater and this is the family's (the director, his wife, and his 2 kids in the play and daughter that's doing music) first show directing...they've only acted...and he's not sitting the choreographer (who's a friend of the family) down!....i shouldve spoke up a long time ago...but in my stage management class we learned that you dont say nothing and just agree with the director....i mean you might can say things,but i dont know if it's my place to or not...but then again it's not like i can get fired...i'm not getting paid, or getting class credit..it's strictly volunteer...out of my time...and this is a community theater, you dont get paid for that!
so i'm going home this weekend but will only be there for a couple of days...me and my mama are going downtown to the Taste (Taste of Chicago that is) on Saturday, i think i'll finally try that BBQ turkey leg...man them things be huge! but the Taste is expensive...i dont plan on spending anymore than $20...i'll eat before...some folks be spending like $100-200 down there tryng to try everything! then Sunday it's off to Edwardsville, IL (close to STL) to see my grandma...then my mama is driving me back to my school...so hopefully i'll have fun, i should see family...some which i wanna see, some which i dont wanna see, and eat LOTS of BBQ, which i LOVE! man...i have a BBQ problem too...well not really, but i love it! my favorite BBQ sauce now, and yes i have a favorite, is Sweet Baby Ray's! it's been a favorite for a while...i didnt get up on it until when me and my cousin lived together, because she always bought it...i was still eating Open Pit or whatever other name brand BBQ sauce made by Kraft or whoever else...but Sweet Baby Ray's is the ish!
well that's about it for now...there's other things going on, but i rather not even post about it on here...i might just post about it on Myspace....that site is getting addictive! well i guess that's all i'm gonna type...lol i've posted twice so far this month...sad...it seems like alot of bloggers haven been posting this summer...i guess i really dont feel like it sometimes and feel detached from it...i dont know...well anyways, maybe i'll post tomorrow, or maybe not, i'll probably post after i get back since i'll have something to talk about then...until then, ya'll have a blessed day and week!
After reading this whole post the only thing that is still on my mind is the deer attacks...I mean WTF? I'll keep you posted
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