Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Help! I have a cold!

i REALLY hate being sick.....i think NapKaboom gave me her cold....i'm done with the play (thank God!)....it was SO cold in that light booth that i had to wear a coat and gloves....then the last 2 nights i took some noDoz to stay up because i get sleepy when i'm cold, not to mention that the play was 2 and a half hours long! (the longest play ever)....so i dont know, i figure that that's what made me sick....either that, or the way this weather is....it was like 80 degrees 2 weeks ago, now it's like 50-60 degrees here....i didnt go to work yesterday morning because i was so sick, so i called in, and my boss said just to rest...i had to go to class at 2pm though....i wanted to call yellow man to bring me some soup and orange juice, buti thought against it...i called my friend from chuirch that lives across from me, to see if she had any, but she didnt, so she said she would take me to wal-mart...so i got like 4 bottles of orange juice and 4 cans of soup....it's horrible when i'm sick...i dont know what was going on with my body, but sunday when i went to sleep, i got up to pee like 5 times, and everytime i got up, my pillow was soaking wet with slob (ewww gross, i know)...it was like my mouth had novacaine in it or something....and my nose was running, just gross....

...so anyways, we have 1 week and 3 days left of school...finals are next week...we have to sing our last song today for our Voice class...it's a Beatles song called "My life" i believe...sunday i gotta do a group project...yea my teacher iw as having problems with last semester is the a-hole that scheduled this for sunday....so it's a play that someone in the class picked (he didnt pick my play), so we have to do this other girl's play, which is funny as heck...it's a really good play, so we have to perform it for our final.....i have a final for my make up class next week..i dont know what i'ma do yet...i think i'ma post the pictures my teacher take of us on exam days (our make up), and post them on here...the only thing is that i dont want the pictures to end up on a site like www.uglypeople.com, or a site called www.wtfiswrongwiththisperson.com (if a site like that exists)....then i have a presentation for my speech class and a paper due for it this friday (ughhhhhh) hopefully i can get through it because i need that class to graduate....

....i guess i'ma go home for a lil bit, but i dont know, there isnt much to go home to, besides my family that is, but i know i cant stay around my family much, because we'll get on each other nerves...but i dont seem to have any friends, those who i thought were friends, well i guess we aren't anymore, i havent talked to in weeks, even my bestfriend is funny acting....i know that you dont have to talkt o your friends allt he time, but when you call people and they dont return calls, or when they seem like they dont want to be bothered, that makes you start to think that way, especially when you really need someone to talk to, then it's like "we'll damn where are all of my friends?" especially if they said they are, went out of their way to act like they really cared about you, especially when they were the one to come at you first, and act like thy want to "fix things", but the way they act makes it seem like they lied about really being your friend, especially when they're not there for you, especially those who are supposed to be your bestfriend that you've known for pretty much all of your life...i dont understand how people sya that they are friends, and they make time to call everyone else but you, but when it comes to you its "well i'm busy, i'm at work"....but they just cant take 5 minutes out of their schedule to call to say "i've just been thinking about you and calling to check on you to see how you're doing?"....i've never understood people who give that "busy' excuse...i dont know, i guess because i'm not that type of person...even with my family, i'm like the only person that calls everyone to check on them...NO ONE calls me, they dont even care *tearing up*, i guess i care too much.....i've been feeling like i dont have a friend in the world....and i still feel like i dont have anyone to talk to, even with my friends at church, i feel like they dont want to be bothered or something...i dont know, maybe i'm going back into a depressed state, but i'm just going to have to nip that in the bud...but i feel so alone right now....well i guess i just have Jesus, because that's the only one that's been there to comfort me, especially in years past when i was really down...i guess there's a season for everything....i just hope that God brings a very understanding friend my way that will listen and be compassionate toward me, because i really need someone to talk to, but i dont have that now, and i actually never have had it, besides a few folks from church, but i dont feel like i can even talk to them....and i dont want to worry my mother about anything...

....i still got this 80-110 minute play due...i got about 24 pages of it for my teacher last week...so i have until next week wednesday on the 11th to get the whole thing done and into my teachers mail box before 4pm...knowing me, i might be rushing like i did last semester to get it to his box, because i'm such a procrastinator....hopefully i'll get it done way ahead of time....i might be having a get together at my apartment on sunday...i know it's Mothers Day, but it's not like i'm going home...so i wanted to invite my whole choir, and some people from class....but then i dont really have any funiture, so everyone will be ont he floor, unless they bring folding chairs...i do want to BBQ behind my building, but i dont have a grill,a nd i dont know if anyone really feels like BBQ'ing....i might not have it, but i want to have it because a few people i know are going home for the summer...so i might have something...but i dont know if EVERYONe is going to fit in my apartment....if so, we're going to be packed in there like sardines in a can...

...guys are weird? have i said that before? i probably have...i will never understand them.....i think they throw around the phrase "i love you" too loosely...."James" told me that after we wasnt even talking that long...now he doesnt even call me....but now, i was talking to "Yellow Man" on the instant messenger yesterday, and he said that....i asked him something along the lines of "why do you like me" or maybe it was "why do you want to kiss me?" because he said that (EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, his teeth)....and he said something about he care for me, then i was like "well why?" (because i always have another question lines up, another "why?"), and he said "Cause i love you"...maybe he's been listening to too much Lenny Williams...i dont know...but i told him to take that shyt back, and dont say it again...first he dont know that much about me, he just like what he see....then what if we started dating? he'll probably just say all that stuff, and lie, then he'll end up not liking me like all the other guys that claimed they did....i told him to take it back, and not to say it because he doesnt mean it and he dont love me.....i dont like for people to just say "i love you"...i can barely say it my self...i'll say "i like you' or "i like you, alot', but i cant say 'i love you"...i hate saying it to family that i dont really care for, so i know i just cant say it to any random guy....i wanted to ask him why his teeth are the color they are...but i was afraid of huting his feelings...first off i cant kiss him if his teeth are like that...i wanted to tellh im that, but i didnt...i figured that would hurt his feelings...second, we're just friends, and i told him that friends don't kiss....then he goes onto saying he wants to be more than friends...i'm like "dude you havent even asked me on a date yet"...so he said something later in our convo that after this gospel concert this saturday thats gonna be at my church, if he could take me on a first official date to applesbees....i'm like "Well everyone from church will be there anyways, so why would that be a date?"...maybe i'm mean, i dont know...but i hate being around everyone and everyone in my business...lol, (i know but i'm putting my business out on my blog, blah! who cares?)....but i hate it when people tease me (playfully that is), because they will if they see me there with him...and some of the folks at church be like "i seen your friend "yellow man"" 'ya'll still together?" um i'm like we never were....he only came to church with me once like last year in OCT. and they think he's my love interest...smh....maybe there will be some cute guys on campus during the summer time...and it's so much easier to meet folks then because they're all down here bored just like you with no friends because their friends went home...plus i'm taking a strenght training class....so maybe they'll be some football players or something in it :-) or guys period! dang it seems like there's no decent guys around! well at least at my school...most of the football, b-ball players, and male period on this campus are whores, and they mess around with too many girls, or they're some fake thug acting dudes...where are the nerds at?!?! i like nerds! cute nerds! like that engineering guy that i liked, but he's off in Iowa to his John Deere job...*sighs*...ugh i hate thugs, but anyways, i'm writing too much, and i really eed to go to this Stage Makeup class...we're making facial hair today....i'll take a picture of that with a mustache on and put it on my blog...i'm pretty sure that'll land on www.uglypeople.com, lol...anyways, i'll post later, or when i get the chance to...peace!

PLEASE tell me what ya'll think about me asking "Yellowman" about his teeth! Should i ask him, or shouldnt i? if he's talking all this talk, he will need to know that i cant kiss someone who's teeth are that color...that doesnt mean his breath stink, but still...and i know my teeth aren't int he best shape (i need braces and will be getting them soon hopoefully), but my teeth arent a dark orange, brown, yellow....ewww...anyways, is it mean of me to ask? or am i being too um, whats the word, vain? (i odnt know if that's the right word)...let me know...


At 9:12 PM, Blogger Jazz said...




At 5:05 PM, Blogger Lyric27 said...

Hi, I came across ur blog and decided to leave a comment. I'm from the CHI too, but not going to school there. feel free to visit my blog and/or email me. chiliz345@aol.com

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Liz said...

yes ask.... teefs are muy importante. uhg
oh and spring/summer colds are the worste. just rest up and try not to do too much.

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace gyrlie.. Yes there is something funky going around in chicago, and the up n down weather is not helping a darn bit.. South side chick checking in and yes i've got a nasty cold too.. i've used up enough snotty tissues to make a rainforest out of all the paper that i've wasted blowing my nose.. Just plain terrible.

I see you mentioned church a few times.. what church do you attend if you dont mind me asking.. Everytime I see somebody mention church that lives in Chicago I wonder if they go to Trinity.. hitt me up with an email if ya pamela@blaquelight.com .. Heck I digg talking to young christians about the Lord.

Hope u feel better soon.. sniffles.. peace


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