Tuesday, September 09, 2003

well not much to talk about today.....same ol same ol....i need to stay up on my study and hit these books....dang on cramps......my brother moved back in with my mama, yea!@that......i need to find another job soon, because 10 hours a week isnt gonna cut it.....hopefully by next week i will.....oh well, time to go back home to study....oh yea im in my new apartment by my self finally, my cousin only stayed for a week, i forgot to even write about me and my new place...its aight, wish it couldve been better, but its going to have to do, and hopefully i'll get into the place i wanna live at next august.....but for now i will just have to make this place a home...anyways time to go....need to take another Aleve......also i need to find some more monologues for my acting class....and i need to finish my script for my video production class. AHHHH so much work today, and bill to pay and just alot of stuff....but anyways im alive and thank God for that, but im outtie, peace.....