Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Just Posting to Post...13 Years Now, Wow!

I've neglected my blog so much. This is my baby. My first introduction to blogging. I use to write so much when I first started it, but then fell off sometime around 2005, 2006 or 2007 when I started posting on Myspace more often. I need to find a way to get back my Myspace blogs! Maybe I can have them transferred over to this blog. I've started counseling again. The first time was when I first started this blog many years ago. I use to write about my experience with depression and social anxiety. Now I'm at a point in my life where I have been feeling the way I did back in undergrad in my early 20's.

Counseling has been helping though. I've had so much to happen in the last 2, almost 3 years, but I'm working through it. From school to dating to work to living on my own to trying to find myself and what makes me happy.

I told my counselor that I have so many ideas in my head and that I want to get focused. I am at a dead end job with a less than year old Masters degree and I don't know where to start. I feel so stuck. So she told me to start writing, just a little, everyday. I'm not sure if I will write on this blog but I will start. There are so many blogging platforms out now. I might try Tumblr or WordPress or make another blogger site. I have a few website ideas and I'm trying to figure out what would be the best for me to use. I might use all three.

This it the most that I've written in a while, besides my random Facebook post which becomes long winded. 13 years ago I started blogging. I need to take the time and go through all of my old post to look into the mind of the 20 going on 21 year old self. It may help me with some things I'm dealing with now.

One day, but for now, I need to get the writing. Hopefully it won't feel like drudgery anymore. It started to after a while after college. But this feels good writing this. Really good.

I'm 33 now. I'm getting old. Time flies by so fast!


Edit: This is also my 200th blog post, woo hoo!