Monday, August 29, 2005

old friends

well maybe not old friends, but people from high school. as of late, i have been running across people from high school on the itnernet or they've recognized me from my pictures. On, i've found a few people from high school, either from my class, or a year behind me. My crush from 5th to 12th grade, this one Nigerian boy i had class with, this one girl that was in the drama club with me and everyone thought she was weird, and this other girl that was in 9th grade when i was a senior that was in this after school art program i was in. They're all still working on their degree's and trying to graduate. On, this girl from high school that i had a gym class with that was a year behind me recognized me on there. She has two kids now and is in school full time to get her B.A.

On this site called, i've seen a few faces on there, some of people that graduated before me that i didnt know well but i remembered their faces. One boy on there i had biology class with in 10th grade and he was in11th grade hit me up before on BrokePlanet (BP aka BlackPlanet) a couple of years ago after he recognized my pictures. i was surprised he even remembered who i was because i didnt talk to him. i was always shy and kept to my self. he remembered my name and everything. i was surprised at that, and i see that he's on hi5 so i hit him up. This other guy that i also talked with on BP before that graduated in 97', he was a senior when i was a freshman (c/o 2000 holla!) and i told him he wouldn't recognize me because i didnt talk to any of the seniors when i was a freshman. he was over seas in the army when we met in the BP chatroom, but he's on hi5 now also. Then i ran into this other guy that i had U.S history class with, he was in 12th grade and i was in 11th. he was pretty much quiet and shy like i was, but i thought he was cute, except for he was short, well shorter than me, because i was already 5'10 by then.

Then i ran into this guy named Chris. I went to grad school with Chris. I'm not sure if we were in the same class because i forgot, but he did go to school with me. We ended up going to high school together too. But i can't remember if we had class together or not, i just remember him. maybe we just had homeroom together, and maybe a history or english class. I thought Chris was cute, along with alot of other guys at the school. Though i was quiet and kept to my self, i was kinda boy crazy, and had alot of crushes. i think the only thing that kept me from being fast tail was me being so shy and God. So i see his picture at first and seen that he graduated in 2000 but didnt recognize him. I'm thinking who in the world is this? He didn't look that cute, especially having his main picture of him blowing smoke out of his mouth. Anytime i see a guy taking a picture like that (especially on their BP pages) i go past their page, which i did with his picture about a week ago, but it kept bugging me to find out who it was. So i seen that he had more than one picture and start going through his pictures. Then he had pictures from the high school years. i was like OMG that's Chris W. He looked different now. He gained some weight, so his face is kind of chubby, and his hair is long, i guess he keeps it braided (i hope, cuz it looked like he had a perm or something on his picture). He looked totally different (he wears glasses now) and i wouldn't have recognized him. Well he does look the same, just kind of chubby, he had a picture without the glasses and he looked the same. He use to be thin in high school, well not skinny, but you know how most boys all, he was tall i think about my heigh or a little taller and kind of a slender muscular built.

So i hit him up sometime last week saying who i was and that i was tall and quiet and kept to my self and asked if that was him and if he remembered me. Well this morning i see that he did and he replied back to me telling me he did rememeber me. This is what he sent:

What up toya. I remember you. You used to have braids. I always thought you was pretty damn fine but you was always too into school work. plus you never talk'd too much. And I didnt think you was interested in boyfriends. We was cool though. Whats been up? === Original Message === >>>>, yea i use to wear braids all the time before everyone else got up on it...they actually use to talk about me saying "give that horse back it's hair" until they got popular not everyone and their mama wear their hair braided or natural....but yea, i was like what!?! i told him i was interested in boys and wanted a boyfriend but i was so shy that none of the guys talked to me! i also told him that i thought i was ugly then beause no one really showed interest in me and that i was still goigng through this ackward stage that i still feel like i'm in now. i also was liek the only person that told me i was pretty was my mama, but i figured she told me because i'm her daughter and to make me feel better. i guess they thought i was too into my books, which i wasnt that much because my GPA in high schoolw asnt that high, which could have to do with me even being depressed back in high school...and i didnt talk that much around folks in high school unless i was REALY cool with them like my friend Naimah and i talk her ear off, or my family. so i just told him about me and asked about him because i seen that he had married on his profile, and he sent this back:

was up Toya. I just read your message. And thanks for callin me cute. If youthought I was cute then, you should see me now. lol. But nah, I always thought you was a cutie. You just needed to hold your head up more. You use'd to pout. You were too pretty to pout. And now since we're grown, you are even prettier. And yes I remember Naimah. I sent her a message the other day. I doubt if she remembers me though. As far as that God thing goes, I'm on a whole different page than you. I dont believe in any of that. The only thing I believe in is me, my wife and my kids. All three of them. But that doesnt make me any less of a man. That's just my personal opinion. I'm not an Athiest, because if you ask me, that is also a religion. I just dont believe in the words that man speaks. Or the books that he writes. To me the bible is just a history book. And I don't know how good you were in history class, but history books do lie. Religion is not for me. I have too many bills that need to be paid. I've type'd too long as it is so I won't prolong this message. But yes I did have a crush on you. And I'm glad you didn't go boy crazy. You were about the only one. That's what I like in a woman. Talk to you soon.

It's funny how folks use to always tell me to hold my head up and i didn't. after i see the God thing i was like dang! I just don't understand how can someone not believe in God, or just nothing at all. I felt sad for him after i read that, but i wrote back telling him to do him (because i dont like trying to push my beliefs on someone because i hate for someone to do that to me) that it wont stop me from praying for him. I'ma pray for his salvation and that he comes to know God and his son Jesus Christ. I see that he said he had a crush on me then and iw as wondering "Well why didnt he try to talk to me!" then i started to wonder "well how many guys might have liked me but didnt talk to me because they thought i was too into my books"....i guess good girls never i talked about something else and was like thank you since he called me pretty but was still like guys didn't talk to me then and that i didnt even get asked to prom and went by my self. i asked him about him having that he changed on his profile and if he changed for the worse, because i seen that he said he like girls that into "herbal medicine". He sent back this message after i asked about his wife and how many kids he had:

hey. I jsut read your message. And no I didnt change for the worse. I'm that same cool kat that I used to be. Only cooler. I've been thru and seen alot since then. And all of it has changed me for the better. My kids are 3, 2 and 8 months. I had one that would have been 5 this year, but he passed away. (Don't say sorry cause it wasnt your fault) And Me and Jason Tillman are bet friends. He told me he talk'd to a Toya, but I didnt know which one. I thought he meant that lil light skinnd broad. with the twin sister name'd Tanya. But yeah, If you read my profile again, you'll see that my prof. says something different. Me and my wife are cool like that. She likes girls too. So I let her have her fun with them. And she lets me. So that might sound crazy to you, but it's a good way to keep our relationship fresh. Talk to you later.

ok, whoaaaa buddy, that's a little too much information! So i'm thinking like "um ok, why he's telling me this?" i may never know because he didnt reply back yet to my last message i sent him. and i sure hope that wasn't some type of invite to his wife or some type of invite to go and try and mess around witgh him, even if his wife is cool with that. What type of relationship they have! i mean, why would i want someone's else's man! i can be selfish at time and wouldn't want to be sharing someone. i didn't ask why he told me that, i just told him that i do think that's crazy, but for him to do him, i also asked if he had all boys or all girls or both. i did want to tell him that i was sorry about his child passing away, but didn't since he said not to. That's sad though.

Well anyways, after all that i'm glad i ran into him. i told him that i like running into people from high school and keeping in touch with them. Though i didnt have many friends, i knew alot of people and they just knew me as that "quiet girl that never talked". It's funny that he told me that i didnt keep my head up and that i should have because there was this boy in 12th grade that wrote in my yearbook that i was attractive and if i held my head up and be a little bit more confident i'll look better. *sighs* i dont know. Maybe one day i'll turn fromt he ugly duckling into a swan, like that play "Honk!" i worked with this summer. Or maybe i'm already a swan and i just don't know it yet. Time for me to walk home before it start's raining, or maybe i should get on the bus. I'm in the southern part of Illinois for school so i know the effects of the hurricane Katrina is gonna be felt here with alot of rain probably. My friend on my yahoo list has "Katrina is acting Niggerish and Suge Knight got Shot" as his status...wait! Suge Knight got shot? oh hold up, cuz i only paid attention to the Hurrican Katrina part. well let me look this up, time to go, holla!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I don't want to go back to school!

Aaaarrrggghhhhh! School starts last semester! finally...i am so scared...i don't know what to do with my the last year i've wanted to be a playwright, a stage manager, work for a TV station, be a director, own my own theater, be a teacher, teach kids theater, own my own theater camp/after school program for's driving me crazy! here i am, going into my freaking 6th year of college and still working on my 1's sad...but with all the things i've went through my first 2 and 3 years of college, no wonder i'm behind...from suffering from being depressed when i didn't know it, from my social anxiety, my loneliness, academic prohbation, changing majors from Theater to Radio/TV, then back to's crazy....God please help me to sort out what i want to do because graduation is approaching quick...

i have a few things that i could possibly do. i could...:

-work the camera again and try to be the floor manager for the WSIU TV station on my campus and then apply to some TV stations.

-be a stage manager for a TV show or news program.

-be a stage manager for a theater in Chicago or someplace else.

-go as plan with trying to get into either the Education program or Work Force Education program for my Masters in Education.

-get certified to teach and be a sub for different schools.

-work a regular job and write plays on the side.

-go to grad school for theater, for either playwriting or stage management.

-try to take some business classes so i can know how to get started with owning my own stage production company.

-try going to school in a whole different state.

-go back home to Cchicago in a cramped apartment with my mama, brother, and step father and work.

-go back to Chicago and room with my friend from high school and possible try to do grad school there.

-go to Atlanta with my friend from Chicago since she's trying to do school there and she said the cost of living is cheap and that we could live together.

-if i do happened to get a boyfriend, go to grad school where he's going to, but that would suck if our relationship didn't work out.

-stay right here in Carbonhell, i mean Carbondale, the place that i hated so much when i first got here 5 years ago in August of 2000 and continue to live either rent free at my apartment that goes by my income, or either live very cheaply and do grad school here and stay for another 3 years until i'm finished, but that's ok since my cousin is still here and i have an awsome church home.

God! i'm 23 years old, going on 24, about to finish college and i still don't know what i want to do! God help me!

in other news....boy's suck, especially at this College...they get on my nerves...they act like they wan't you then they act like they don't want you...maybe i need to try dating older men, but my friend said that's no better, especially since she dated a 33 year old that was a just seems that anytime i try to let my guard down (since i guess i can be mean), and let someone in, i get my feelings hurt...or they don't show me the same amount of attention that i want to show them.....this guy i'm talking to makes me want to slap him! i wasn't ready because i've never had a boyfriend, but he was very ready for a that i'm ready, he's not ready because he say's he can't give me the time and attention that i need.....but the negro still want's me, man WTF? i'm not waiting around for his butt...when i stop being available or calling him he's gonna wonder what's the matter....i tried that some weeks ago, then was like "Dang where you been?" i don't want to be playing games, but oh well...i just need to be alone and content with that...i think i'ma just do that 6 month thing that i was going to do earlier this year...that means no trying to date at all until February 2006! *sighs*

also...this was my first time ever that i've made the Deans List in my college career! i got all A's! i couldn't believe it! so i have got to savor this.....i was quite sure that i would get a B or even possibly a C in one of those classes i took this summer....even though the classes weren't hard, the 2 PE classes (Walking & Joggin and Strength Training) and the African American Art History class, i'm so glad that i was able to do it...i am also disappointed that that's the first time i've goten that many A''s like the last 5 years i've couldve did alot better, but alot of things happened....well my first 3 years...but it seems that in the last 2 years i couldve did alot better, especially so my GPA could get least the graduate school here let's you in with a 2.7 GPA for your last 60 hours, so i should be straight, because i think i finally got a 3.1 if i go great this last semester of classes...or i could always just walk in Decemeber like i planed on doing this past May, and take classes in the Spring of 2006 and postpone my degree until then so i can bring my GPA up even higher...but i'm sick of school and i think i need a semester off so that i can be ready for the Fall of 2006 for Graduate school.....well this is the first time i posted in a hooray for that! i'll post later...

i'm mad that all these bloggers are dissapearing and moving to other places! i go to folks blogs on my list and they're gone! man wtf?! stay in one place! or if you didn't move let folks know you not gonna blog ever again! :-)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

i wanna be a teacher!

the play is OVER with thank God! or did i already post about this? It's been over was a good learning experience though....and last week i worked with a camp from surrounding areas of the town i'm at for school, like Cairo, IL and Mounds City, places where the children's paren'ts can't afford to send them to a summer camp, also kids from C'dale too...the camp went well and think it helped to change my decision on what i want to do for grad school.... i think i want to go into education and eventually become a teacher. for what grade, i have no clue...i worked with kids that were going to the 4th and 5th gr, a few were going to the 6th, 7th and 8th grade....the camp was fun, so, i dont know...but i'm scared because i dont know if i can handel children for 9 months out of the year....those kids at the camp made me want to strangle them, but in the end i was sad that they were gone and i knew that i wouldnt see some of of the little girls in the camp kept calling me mama, lol, and then on the last day of the camp, at the end of the day, she was 9 years old, she said "i wont see you again will i mama?" and i was like "no, you probably wont"...and i felt sad after that...then she said "well don't worry i'm going to ask God if i can see you again"...after that the tears started swelling up in my eyes and i had to walk away.....

we'll see if i'ma do grad school after i talk to some of the professors in the education department and if i will do it here, back home in Chicago, or some place else in another state....i have no clue....but we'll see...i just have to pray on it....

i'm going home this weekend for a wedding, that's on a sunday...who has their weddings on a sunday...but anyways, it's my second cousin, and he's finally getting married at the ripe age of 45....he's my daddy's first i get to see some family this weekend and get my Ppopeyes, Garrett's popcorn, a gyro, some Giordanos pizza....ya'll know the drill... and are so freaking addictive...thats where i'm at mostly when i'm online, or on yahoo...but i havent been online much until after the play ended...

i'll try to post later so that i don't neglect this blog too bad, i actually took this, well part of it from my blog on myspace that i posted today...i wasnt even gonna post on herebut it's time to it's almost time to leave work and go to bible study, and i need to get something to eat cuz i'm hungry than a mug! peace...